Master’s Message: Concentration

Sathya Sai Speaks: Volume 1 Chapter 5

Summary: One must not get discouraged if s/he is unable to concentrate. Like any other skill, concentration is possible through constant practice.

When one starts meditation, the mind starts wandering everywhere. One way to plug that outlet is by means of chanting the name. Further, we must alternate between visualising the form and chanting of the name whenever the mind slips away.

Japa and dhyana are the two bunds to control thoughts. Once we develop this habit, the Bhava chitram (imaginary picture) will become saakshaatkara chitram (the real form) when Lord assumes form to fulfill our desires.

Japa Sahita Dhyana is the best sadhana. For a start, ten to fifteen minutes of meditation should be enough. After this, some time should be spent in mananam or contemplation with the peace and contentment experienced by this meditation. Post this, we could slowly loosen the limbs, be aware of the surroundings slowly, and then resume our other activities.

A story based on the above message:

Meditation and Chanting-Weekly message- 3 Aug 2017

One need not read or listen to many scriptures if we can listen to the God residing in our hearts. If we call sincerely He will respond. We should just have the form of or favourite deity in our mind and constantly repeat His name. Dhyana-Meditation and Japa- Chanting are the only ways to purify our minds.
Story of the week