Master’s Message: Body as a Meaningful Vehicle

Sathya Sai Speaks: Volume 1-Chapter 5

The body is the vehicle that is to be used to realize and attain God. Hence, proper care of this body is necessary though not undue pampering or caring. Peace can be attained only by realizing the inner reality. Senses will drag us into alternate peace and joy. Only contemplation of unity can remove fear, rivalry, envy, and greed.

One must be constantly engaged in good activities for the sadhana or practice to progress well. It is not enough to just do once in a while which is like just getting some 5/6 marks in an examination, where these marks are of no use. We must at least get 5/6 marks less than the passing mark to get some grace mark to pull us through. This also will happen provided we are good students.

We are fortunate to witness and be with the Master guiding us. Let us realize that and engage ourselves in doing good. Only when one has mastered the scriptures, does one even get a glimpse of what the characteristics of an avatar are. We must treasure and value this and follow the Master’s teachings.

This body should be used as an instrument that can be meaningfully used to benefit society as well as help us in recognizing our inner reality.

This story showcase the above teachings: