Master’s Message: Volume 1- Chapter 5-Protecting the Faith

Summary: Faith can move mountains. Protect the faith.

When faith dawns, we must fence it with discipline and self-control so that the faith (which is like tender shoots) can be protected from cynics and unbelievers (like cattle). When faith grows into a big tree, those very cattle can lie down in the shade that it will spread.

Story based on the message:

Master’s Message: Volume 1- Chapter 5-Re-establishment of Righteousness

Avatars like Sai Baba have come to sow the seeds of faith of devotion in religion and in God. Many atheists doubt, question and once they experience they dedicate their lives to the teachings of the avatar.

Sai has come down to the earth in response to the prayers of saints, sages, and spiritual aspirants for the restoration of Dharma. Mahatmas, Mahapurushas, and jnanis will work with Sai in re-establishing righteousness and paving the path for peace.

Read this story that shows qualities that the lord prefers in his devotees:

Master’s Message: Volume 1, Chapter 4.4-Be Egoless

Summary: Divine can work only through the egoless.

Sorrow springs from egoism. When egoism goes sorrow disappears. We should work on reducing our ego and should pray to the Lord to use us as His flute. This will only happen when we are hollow and free from ego. He will then create a captivating music for all the creation to enjoy. Then we can merge our will in the will of God. Divine can work through us only when are egoless.

In this story, we learn that trusting in god’s plan for us is the best because God knows what is right for us. He has planned the best for us. Once we do our best, let us just leave rest to Him

Master’s Messages: Volume 1- Chapter 4-Faith

summary: Faith can move mountains.

Only when we wipe out the root causes of anxiety, fear and ignorance our true personality can shine. Anxiety is removed by faith. Faith tells us that whatever happens, happens for the best, and Lord’s will be done. We have to do our best and for what is not in our hands, quiet acceptance is the best armor.

A story about a brave little tortoise:

Master’s Message: Volume 1, Chapter 4.2- Unity in Multiplicity

At a time when there is so much disunity, disharmony, violence in the world; it is more important to realize unity in multiplicity. For this, we have to develop tolerance, patience, and love for all. We all have that spark of divinity in us. We have to work on realising that inner strength of divinity in us.

We have to churn the milk if we wish to separate the butter immanent in it. Similarly, certain processes of thought and action have to get to the hardcore of faith and that belief. One can work on this by consciously practicing human values. Soon we realise that the world is a mixture of real and unreal. Then we start the process of self-inquiry. People on the spiritual path must be an example of this.

A story based on the message:

Master’s Message: Volume 1, Chapter 4.1- Sat Chit Ananda

Our life is saturated with Sat-Supreme Reality, Chit-Consciousness, Ananda-Bliss- Brahman itself. For the divine life to start one must be aware that we are sat-chit-ananda.  The divine inspires and activates every being; this spark of life or consciousness leads and fulfills the life of each being; right from the simplest to the most complex.

Lord or consciousness is in each one of us. When we start realizing this, we will be ever alert and careful in our every thought, word and deed. Then, we see the oneness of all which is the ultimate purpose of life.

A story based on the above message:

Master’s Message: Volume 1- Chapter 3-Doing One’s Duty

Summary: Doing one’s duty to the best of one’s abilities and without any attachment.

If one develops the quality of detachment, slowly they will not be hurt and suffer so much.

Attachment leads to expectations and unmet expectations lead to disappointment. Disappointment makes us unhappy. So let’s do our best in whatever work we undertake.

A story based on the above message:

Master’s messages: Volume 1- Chapter 3.8-Need for a Guru

When one is inclined towards the spiritual path; he starts pursuing that path but without proper direction; and may get lost. Hence, the need for a guru who will guide him and lead him to the ultimate.

Gu – Gunateetha-one who has transcended the 3 Gunas namely – rajas, tamas, and satwik.

Ru- Rupa varjita- one who has grasped the formless aspect of Godhead by sublimation of lower to higher qualities. Guru is the one who dispels the darkness of ignorance.

A story based on the above message:

Master’s Message- Volume 1- 3-The Guru

Summary: A guru destroys the illusion and sheds light. That is why the guru is worshipped on a full moon day.

Moon is the presiding deity of the mind and on the full moon day, the mind becomes fully beneficent. Guru will tell us that we have forgotten our real selves and are unaware of the loss. He is the physician of the illness which brings about the suffering of alternate birth and death. If one does not find such a guru, the Lord Himself will show the way.

A story based on the above message:

Master’s messages-Vol 1-3.6-Faith and Conviction

Essence: Have the undiminishing faith.

One must be firm and fixed in their faith. Once convinced we should not waver. When the sun is directly over our head there will be no shadow similarly when faith is steady in our head it should not cast a shadow of a doubt.

Lord comes in human form age after age to warn and guide us. When faith is undiminished one can move safely in the world. No harm can come to us. One must be vigilant on the goal with inner concentration.

A story based on the above message: