Master’s Message: Volume 1, Chapter 7-Be Courageous- Develop Virtues

Summary: Human values are the pillars for the development of good human character.

Swami stressed the importance of education to students and advised them to study regularly and intelligently as and when they find it rather than keeping everything for the last minute. And, the education must be based on Dharma.

Students should not dread examinations and must take some time to read the complete question paper and answer what they are confident with first before attempting difficult ones and losing confidence.

Be courageous. Courage is the fertiliser that will make the plan of scholarship grow. One must become bold and courageous and fight against the animal tendencies of fox, ass, dog, and wolf inside. One must cultivate good human qualities of love and friendship. We must have the right kind of friends who can be with us for a long time. One must develop good virtues which will give the ultimate ‘Ananda’ or bliss and that is the culmination of all learning and the essence of all knowledge.

We must always help everyone. If we can’t help; we must at least not harm anyone. Let us remove the evil tendencies of jealousy and greed by lighting the love in our hearts. One must be able to bow down to the glorious and the great. Love will teach us that humility. Egoism will not allow us to bend. Let us be human and not animals and work on developing love.

An anecdote about helping always:

Just as positive and negative wires produce electricity; Paramathma (Supreme self) and Sadhaka (spiritual aspirant) together in yoga bring illumination. Students must be in the company of such holy people and learn from them which will give them courage and joy.

Always speak the truth. Falsehood prompts one to speak lie after lie which later becomes unmanageable. It is always best and easy to speak the truth.

An anecdote about honesty:

Do not be carried away by talks of equality of men/ women etcetera. Each has their own talent and strength which will flourish depending on how they use it. Develop your skills, health, and character. Never cause harm to either you or others by your foolish or ignorant actions. Honor women and respect the girl students. Never look down upon them. Respect for women is a sign of real culture.

Read good books, revere your teachers, respect your elders, develop the spirit of love and service, and help anyone in need.

An anecdote about right conduct:

In your daily affairs do not create factions or revel in hatred. See the good in others and the faults in yourselves. Revere others as having God installed in them; revere yourself also as God resides in you. Make your heart pure so that He resides in You.

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